

Graphic Design Services

3 Client Reviews

4 Projects Delivered
Joined 10 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed
Art has always been a huge part in my life, and being able to pull this into a professional environment and helping out clients is a goal of mine I've been aspiring towards for years now. I have been drawing for almost 15 years now, and I have almost 7 years experience with the Adobe Creative suite in both illustration and animation.


  • B.A. in Media Arts and Animation from the Illinois Institute of Art
  • Graphic Designer at Big Teeth Productions




Thank you very much! You designed exactly what I was looking for for my logo.

Custom Project
The cutest and coolest custom-designed birthday card. Thank you Emily!

Information Design
Good aesthetics and designs, speedy times for turnarounds for concepts. Would use graphic designer again.

Information Design


  • B.A. in Media Arts and Animation from the Illinois Institute of Art
  • Graphic Designer at Big Teeth Productions


Information DesignAdvertisementIllustrationClothing






Information Design

Brochure > Bifold: $175.00 USD
Brochure > Trifold: $225.00 USD
Brochure > 8 Page: $300.00 USD
Catalog: $200.00 USD + $25.00 USD per page
Presentation: $75.00 USD + $10.00 USD per slide
Newsletter > Online: $100.00 USD
Newsletter > Print: $50.00 USD + $10.00 USD per page
Manual: $100.00 USD + $15.00 USD per page
Greeting Card: $75.00 USD
Postcard > One Sided: $75.00 USD
Postcard > Two Sided: $110.00 USD
Menu: $100.00 USD + $15.00 USD per page


Online Advertisement > Static: $50.00 USD
Online Advertisement > Animated: $100.00 USD
Print Advertisement: $125.00 USD
Direct Mail: $110.00 USD + $25.00 USD per page
Billboard: $300.00 USD
Poster/Flyer > One Sided: $100.00 USD
Poster/Flyer > Two Sided: $125.00 USD


Sketch: $200.00 USD
Cartoon: $150.00 USD
Realistic: $250.00 USD


T-Shirt: $100.00 USD
Hat: $75.00 USD

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.

Hire Me

Information Design

Brochure > Bifold: $175.00 USD
Brochure > Trifold: $225.00 USD
Brochure > 8 Page: $300.00 USD
Catalog: $200.00 USD + $25.00 USD per page
Presentation: $75.00 USD + $10.00 USD per slide
Newsletter > Online: $100.00 USD
Newsletter > Print: $50.00 USD + $10.00 USD per page
Manual: $100.00 USD + $15.00 USD per page
Greeting Card: $75.00 USD
Postcard > One Sided: $75.00 USD
Postcard > Two Sided: $110.00 USD
Menu: $100.00 USD + $15.00 USD per page


Online Advertisement > Static: $50.00 USD
Online Advertisement > Animated: $100.00 USD
Print Advertisement: $125.00 USD
Direct Mail: $110.00 USD + $25.00 USD per page
Billboard: $300.00 USD
Poster/Flyer > One Sided: $100.00 USD
Poster/Flyer > Two Sided: $125.00 USD


Sketch: $200.00 USD
Cartoon: $150.00 USD
Realistic: $250.00 USD


T-Shirt: $100.00 USD
Hat: $75.00 USD

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.