
Translation Services

2 Client Reviews

2 Pages Translated
Joined 17 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed

Translation Services

2 Client Reviews
2 Pages Translated
Joined 17 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed
For the past five years, I have been working as Education Director at a New York City-based, not-for-profit trade organization for the advertising industry. The organization is mainly known as the host of the prestigious One Show, an international advertising awards show that recognizes the best creative advertising each year. The organization also publishes several publications including a trade quarterly called one.a magazine, which I contribute to, and advertising annuals. The annuals are a record of the advertising competition winners and I have served as an Associate Editor for three years. Working for this organization has allowed me to work side-by-side with the top creative directors in the industry as well as the opportunity to see the best creative advertising and new media ideas across the globe. I have undertaken freelance translation projects for a semiconductor company, mainly translating the dense technical documents and contracts from Japanese to English and vice versa. Furthermore, I work closely with Japanese advertising agencies such as Dentsu, Hakuhodo as well as smaller agencies and design houses, primarily as a liaison and translator through daily correspondence and while traveling with the executives in Japan. When I’m not working, I enjoy working on ceramics and reading books of many genres, both in English and Japanese.


  • M.A. in Writing and Publishing from Emerson Colleg
  • B.A. in International Studies from Meiji Gakuin College




Great job! Thank you! Very timely response!

1 Page
2-Day Delivery
What a great job! Thanks for the perfect translation.

1 Page
2-Day Delivery


  • M.A. in Writing and Publishing from Emerson Colleg
  • B.A. in International Studies from Meiji Gakuin College


Japanese > EnglishEnglish > Japanese




3-Day Delivery

$23.95 USD per page
Maximum of 9 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$21.95 USD per page
Maximum of 12 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$19.95 USD per page

Translation Certification

$20.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.

Hire Me

3-Day Delivery

$23.95 USD per page
Maximum of 9 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$21.95 USD per page
Maximum of 12 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$19.95 USD per page

Translation Certification

$20.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.