
Translation Services

1 Client Review

1 Page Translated
Joined 17 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed

Translation Services

1 Client Review
1 Page Translated
Joined 17 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed
I am quadrilingual-English, Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil. I have Bachelor qualification in Telugu, and Hindi and a Masters in English Literature. I have 3 years of experience as Copywriter and Translator in PAD, an ad agency and Translation experience with a textbook publisher. I am accurate and deadline conscious, traits ingrained in both copywriting and text book translation. Creative writing is a hobby and my poems in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi have been published in periodicals and some university yearbooks. I have also won a Nationwide English creative writing contest called the Word masters Challenge 2006 Conducted by Google and received a sponsored creative writing course from The Writers Bureau, UK along with a cash award of 1 lakh INR (approximately US $2250) I believe Translation is also a creative endeavor because it involves thinking in two languages and not just transcribing the thoughts from one medium to another. Only Translation done with certain exercise of creativity can completely capture the spirit of the text in an effective manner. Translation is no inferior to any other medium of creative expression


  • M.A in English Literature from Madras University
  • B.A in Telugu Literature from Osmania University
  • B.A in Tamil Literature from Madras University
  • Translator and Editor at Navayuga Publications




Great job HindiPro. Excellent work!

1 Page
Next-Day Delivery


  • M.A in English Literature from Madras University
  • B.A in Telugu Literature from Osmania University
  • B.A in Tamil Literature from Madras University
  • Translator and Editor at Navayuga Publications


English > HindiHindi > English




3-Day Delivery

$23.95 USD per page
Maximum of 9 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$21.95 USD per page
Maximum of 12 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$19.95 USD per page

Translation Certification

$20.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.

Hire Me

3-Day Delivery

$23.95 USD per page
Maximum of 9 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$21.95 USD per page
Maximum of 12 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$19.95 USD per page

Translation Certification

$20.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.