

Translation Services

2 Client Reviews

9 Pages Translated
Joined 15 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed

Translation Services

2 Client Reviews
9 Pages Translated
Joined 15 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed
Hello, Being a double-Ph.D. student in political science (Sciences Po in France, Northwestern University in the US) I am at ease among other texts with business letters, administrative documents, reports and of course academic texts. I also have a humanities background in the french academic system (Hypokhagne). My mothertongue is French, but I speak and write fluently English, Italian, Spanish, and Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian. Looking forward to translating your texts !


  • Ph.D. in Political Science from Northwestern University
  • M.A. in Political Science from SciencesPo University
  • B.A. in Political Science from SciencesPo University




Very accurate and fast translation. It's a great pleasure to work with. Hope to work again soon.

3 Pages
3-Day Delivery
Great job with very fast turnaround! Hope to work again.

1 Page
Next-Day Delivery


  • Ph.D. in Political Science from Northwestern University
  • M.A. in Political Science from SciencesPo University
  • B.A. in Political Science from SciencesPo University


English > FrenchItalian > FrenchSpanish > French




3-Day Delivery

$23.95 USD per page
Maximum of 9 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$21.95 USD per page
Maximum of 12 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$19.95 USD per page

Translation Certification

$20.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.

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3-Day Delivery

$23.95 USD per page
Maximum of 9 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$21.95 USD per page
Maximum of 12 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$19.95 USD per page

Translation Certification

$20.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.