
Translation Services

2 Client Reviews

8 Pages Translated
Joined 14 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed

Translation Services

2 Client Reviews
8 Pages Translated
Joined 14 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed
At the moment I am a student at the University of Lund in the southern part of Sweden. I have recently finished my BA in Swedish and English. I have lived the first 25 years of my life in Austria and my mothertongue is german. The recent years I have,however, lived in several countries and have found great interesst in languages. During the last 4 years I have lived, worked and studied in Sweden and speak swedish in my private life as well as in my professional life. I plan to study french (basic level) and german (advanced level) during the autumn term. Unitl now I have translated several texts for the Community of Taizé and hope to be able to expand my working field.


  • B.A. in Swedish from Lunds University
  • B.A. in English from Lunds University




very prompt delivery. Document format could have been better.

4 Pages
3-Day Delivery
I am simply impressed by Barbara. I think the rating of 5 stars is the limit we have, but she deserves 10+++++. She is not only a great and extremely clean translator but such a classy person. Her translation is worth many times the amount paid. Thank you Barbara and I appreciate not only your translation but also the elegance that exudes from it. I don’t think anyone can wish for a better translator and a classier act in any language. I also thank the for being able to attract such a wonderful group of people, among whom Barbara is the crème de la crème.

3 Pages
3-Day Delivery


  • B.A. in Swedish from Lunds University
  • B.A. in English from Lunds University


Swedish > GermanGerman > SwedishEnglish > SwedishEnglish > German




3-Day Delivery

$23.95 USD per page
Maximum of 9 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$21.95 USD per page
Maximum of 12 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$19.95 USD per page

Translation Certification

$20.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.

Hire Me

3-Day Delivery

$23.95 USD per page
Maximum of 9 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$21.95 USD per page
Maximum of 12 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$19.95 USD per page

Translation Certification

$20.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.