
Editing Services

0 Pages Edited
Joined 23 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed

Editing Services

0 Pages Edited
Joined 23 Years Ago
Credentials Confirmed
I spend a significant amount of my time writing and rereading what I have written. I am a graduate student in Library Science and my program involves extensive research that must be reported on in the form of papers. I also write creatively and am currently working on a collection of short stories and poetry temporarily titled The Letter. I edit a self-published magazine called Dear Anxiety that has a circulation of around 100 (and continually growing). In addition to these current qualifications, I have held several jobs that involved large amounts of proofreading and editing including, but not limited to, letters, articles, press releases and large reports for non-profit organizations.


  • Editor of Dear Anxiety
  • Graduate Student in Library Science (with A Grades on all papers)
  • Past Administrative Assistant at PR Solutions (did a large amount of editing)






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  • Editor of Dear Anxiety
  • Graduate Student in Library Science (with A Grades on all papers)
  • Past Administrative Assistant at PR Solutions (did a large amount of editing)






Next-Day Delivery

$10.95 USD per page
Maximum of 30 Pages

2-Day Delivery

$7.95 USD per page
Maximum of 60 Pages

3-Day Delivery

$6.95 USD per page
From 5 To 90 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$5.95 USD per page
From 10 To 120 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$3.95 USD per page
At Least 40 Pages

Editing Certification

$5.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.

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Next-Day Delivery

$10.95 USD per page
Maximum of 30 Pages

2-Day Delivery

$7.95 USD per page
Maximum of 60 Pages

3-Day Delivery

$6.95 USD per page
From 5 To 90 Pages

4-Day Delivery

$5.95 USD per page
From 10 To 120 Pages

One Week Minimum Delivery

$3.95 USD per page
At Least 40 Pages

Editing Certification

$5.00 USD

Page Definition

A page is defined as either 300 words or 600 Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Korean characters.

Custom Project

If you cannot find a predefined service that matches what you want, you can design a project that is tailor made to fit your requirements. Simply submit a custom project and you will receive a service proposal that is in line with your objectives.